Saturday, September 24, 2011

Tugas Fantasy 2011

1. HMIF adalah sebuah himpunan yang menaungi mahasiswa fakultas informatika IT Telkom.
2. BPMI adalah perwakilan mahasiswa dalam struktur organisasi mahasiswa di BEM KBM IT Telkom.
3. Di Gedung F terdapat bermacam-macam laboratorium, yang menurut saya cukup mendukung riset yang dilakukan oleh para mahasiswa IT Telkom.
4. Menurut saya, opening Fantasy 2011 kurang menarik, dikarenakan acaranya yang kurang bisa menarik perhatian dari peserta. Unsur serunya pun kurang.
Jadi, diharapkan nantinya acara Closing Fantasy 2011 lebih menarik.. :)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wanna be a good affiliate marketer?? :)

Hey, long time no post something new,eh..
Sorry.. :)
Right now, I get a good ebook about how to be a good affiliate marketer.
Read this book, keep practicing and,like old men said, you will success..
Want to read the book now??
Here is the download link
Let's success together!! :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ecourse Membuat Website Gratis!!

Banyak orang berpikir bahwa membuat website itu mahal.
Well, sebenarnya ada cara membuat website dengan biaya nol.. Alias gratis!
Jika anda penasaran, silahkan download ebooknya di
Pelajari cara membuat website gratis melalui ecourse di atas... :)
Ayo membuat website gratis!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ebook: How to build your business without debt!

Well. for everyone who just started to do online business, they'll need to spend a lot of money to build their site, obtain backlinks, etc. That needs a lot of money..and probably, huge debts..

That can be a problem, but I found an ebook that will tell you how to build your own business without debts!
Well, no more waiting!
Click here to grab this ebook now!
Hope this can help you! :)
Let's make your business rocks!

How to make your Adwords work well..

Well, it's another simple question... Actually, driving traffic with PPC like Adwords to your site can be rather useful or a waste of money.. It just depends on how we use it.
Here's an ebook about how to make your Adwords works well.
To download it, click here.
Let's make our business rock!

A good, FREE, SEO ebook!

How to make our site get a high rank at Google or a high page rank?
Well, that's what every internet business have to think to be successful.
Why? Because most of the people out there go look for what they need through search engines, especially Google. When they don't know where to start with, they'll just type the keywords they are looking for at search engines, then click enter, then,bam, there are a lot of result there. Then, just like me and lot of people out there, we click the site that we think is the right one..and mostly we will click the highest site, right? So, that's why we need to do SEO. Because most of the people like to click the highest site.
So, you really need SEO. Do it, make your site the highest on your most relevant key word, and then you'll monetize your site a lot.
To get this ebook now, click here.
Thanks! :)
Hope this can help you! :)